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a prodigious and marvellous undertaking; and Lady Mary, on her return, .
poor a world! Was the fame that such a world could give a distinction .
Achatz, my dear Johannes, how I am spoiled here. Am I not pleasantly .
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But Mrs. Delano remarked: "I should think her style of dress rather .
burglarious entrance in such romantic fashion. It savoured more of the .
months, which of necessity kept him much in the house. It was during .
picture of Goa. We made two boat expeditions together--one to see a .
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-- "Niin". .
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God walking in the garden in the cool of the day" (Gen. iii.). .
for travel and his literary labours. If his lot had been thrown in a .
rumor was that Mr. Bell's purse had been freely used. .
[26] He perished in 1429, leaving his widow in her twenty-fourth year.
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